oj aj usch stön suck

Mmm, idag e en sån dag.
De va lite läskigt, en känsla jag kände igen så väl...
Var nere i skapande och Maja tog fram ett visst redskap.
Jag kände hur jag följde bladet med blicken, nästan stirrade.
Kändes som en smärre hypnos....

Sen dess har jag känt mig deprimerad. Vad sjuk man är...

Little Miss Missery

From the depths of hell I brought you up 
and thanks to that you cut my veins, don´t stop
 You made me feel safe, as time made me weak

Little miss Missery, she ain´t here no more
Oh, little miss Missery, I threw her out that door
 My little miss Missery, I need you so bad, you´re all I have to have

 Your edge made love to my body, the beautiful colour did kiss my soul
The passion and pain really made me whole
I thought that what we had was some kind of wicked art
Those beautiful moments made me promise you;
, til´death do us part

Little miss Missery, she ain´t here no more
Oh, little miss Missery, I threw her out that door
My little miss Missery, I don´t need you anymore

[© M-R-A]


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